How To Train the Perfect Puppy and Get It Right First Time
We donate part of our profit from each purchase to shelters so they can provide better living conditions for shelters dogs. By purchasing our products, you help these dogs live a better life.
It begins when Martin and George visited a shelter that would inevitably change their lives and the fate of all the pets in shelters. Devastated by the living conditions of pets there they asked many workers in different shelters why no one was doing anything about it and they all responded the same: too many pets enter shelters each day and they do not have enough money to take care of them.
How could the shelters raise more money, they wondered, to provide enough nutrition for the pets and take care of them properly? This idea stuck with the 2 friends and they knew they had to create something that could fund the desired pets care efforts.
After months of scientific research and development they came up with 3 essential supplements for every dog that were not on the market. And this is how Love2Dogs was born. Every Love2Dogs product purchased funds the help to save another dog’s life in shelters. Love2Dogs products are improving lives of dogs around the globe while also funding the help to save dogs lives in shelters.
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